FCC Announces Mandatory DIRS Effective Date

On January 21, 2025, the FCC published in the Federal Register notice that OMB approved the Second Report and Order (“Order”) requiring cable communications, wireline, wireless, and interconnected Voice over Internet Protocol (“VoIP”) providers report their infrastructure status during emergencies and crises in the Disaster Information Reporting System (“DIRS”) when activated and to submit a final report to the Commission within 24 hours of DIRS deactivation.

Compliance with section 4.18 is required February 20, 2025.

The PSHSB also released a Public Notice announcing the compliance date.

For additional information please see previous blog post FCC Publishes Mandatory DIRS Reporting R&O in Fed. Reg.

Please Contact Us if you have any questions.

The post FCC Announces Mandatory DIRS Effective Date first appeared on Telecommunications Law Professionals, PLLC.


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