On October 15, 2024, the FCC released a Notice of Inquiry seeking comment on the current use of data caps in consumer broadband plans. The FCC wants to examine the current status of data caps in both fixed and mobile broadband to advance its goal of ensuring meaningful access to broadband Internet services (BIAS). The FCC aims to understand data cap effects on consumers and competition, especially given the increasing demand for broadband and providers’ ability to offer unlimited data plans. In addition, it seeks input on current consumer data usage trends, the impact of data caps on consumer experiences and awareness, their effects on competition, and the Commission’s legal authority to address data caps.
Both Republican Commissioners strongly dissented to this item as being the first step toward potential broadband rate regulation, as well as being outside of the FCC’s statutory authority.
Comments are due on or before November 14, 2024.
Reply comments are due on or before December 2, 2024.
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