TLP’s Michael Lazarus Interviewed by The Hill

The Hill Newspaper,, which focuses on politics, policy, business and international, recently interviewed TLP Managing Member Michael Lazarus on things to know about Trumps FCC Chairman Pick, current FCC-Commissioner Brendan Carr.  Mike’s insight was included in a November 18, 2024 article “Five Things to Know about Trumps FCC Pick” and relevant excerpts are included.

Michael Lazarus, a managing member of Telecommunications Law Professionals, which advises clients on matters before the FCC, predicted reining in Big Tech companies will be a high priority for Carr.

“He has been very vocal in making sure that they’re going to be restrained in some fashion, to make sure that things are equal, from a conservative or liberal perspective, that there are transparency rules on Big Tech,” Lazarus said.

“I think you’ll see him be much more favorable to satellite and new technologies when it comes to pushing broadband adoption and broadband deployment in the United States,” Lazarus said.

When asked about “concern’s that Carr’s proposals may not be realistic or fall under the FCC’s authority” Michael Lazarus is quoted as saying “I do think you’ll see Carr look closely in terms of whether or not there are violations by broadcasters, whether or not they’re not operating in the public interest,”

“But when it comes to these sorts of more over-the-top ideas, like looking into whether or not their licenses should be taken away or stuff like that, I think that’s quite a bit overblown and I don’t think we’ll see anything of that nature,” he continued.

The post TLP’s Michael Lazarus Interviewed by The Hill first appeared on Telecommunications Law Professionals, PLLC.


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