Applying for federal grants in 2024? The Magnet Forensics Grant Assistance Program can help

New digital forensics technologies and techniques are constantly emerging. However, these advancements can be costly, especially for smaller law enforcement agencies. That’s where federal grant funding opportunities come in. Magnet Forensics offers a grant assistance program to help agencies acquire the necessary tools and training to stay ahead in the field. In this post, we’ll discuss how we can help you apply for—and increase your chances of obtaining—grant funding.

Understanding the Magnet Forensics Grant Assistance Program

Before applying for grants, it’s essential to understand the program Magnet Forensics is offering (free of charge) and its objectives. The Magnet Forensics Grant Assistance Program aims to support law enforcement professionals and agencies in combatting crime and protecting their communities through digital forensics. The program provides application assistance to obtain grant funding for purchasing Magnet Forensics products and services as well as training and certification programs.

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible for the grant assistance program, you must be a US-based law enforcement agency involved in investigating and prosecuting crime. Your agency must also have a demonstrated need for digital forensics tools and training and a commitment to using some funding (if awarded) for Magnet Forensics products and services.

Four federal grants digital forensic investigators should consider in FY24

In 2024, the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) COPS Office requested $537 million in grant funding for law enforcement. According to the DOJ, “The DOJ Program Plan is a tool to help find potential funding opportunities from DOJ’s grant-making Components, the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), and Office on Violence Against Women (OVW).”

This program lists 218 grant funding opportunities for FY24, and there is a search function to help find specific categories. The program plan summarizes the current and anticipated funding opportunities each DOJ grant-making component expects to release or has released in a particular fiscal year. Some of these funding opportunities allow for purchasing and implementing technology solutions such as digital forensics tools.

Some federal grants of interest you may consider requesting application assistance for include:

  1. OJJDP FY24 Strengthening ICAC Technological Investigative Capacity. This program will increase technological investigative capacity and associated training to ICAC task forces and affiliated federal, state, and local law enforcement and prosecutorial agencies. It will specifically focus on supporting the development, refinement, and advancement of widely used investigative tools, methods, and technologies that address child sexual abuse material, exploitation, and sex trafficking. This solicitation will seek applications in three categories: Category 1: Investigative Tool Development; Category 2: Investigative Tool and Technology Enhancement; Category 3: Investigative Tool and Technology Training.
  2. OVW Fiscal Year 2024 Local Law Enforcement Grants for Enforcement of Cybercrimes Against Individuals Program Solicitation. The Local Law Enforcement Grants for Enforcement of Cybercrimes Program (Cybercrimes Enforcement Program) (CFDA 16.060) supports efforts by States, Indian Tribes, and local government units to prevent, enforce, and prosecute cybercrimes against individuals. The Cybercrimes Enforcement Program supports training for State, Tribal, or local law enforcement personnel, prosecutors, judges, and judicial personnel; assistance to State, Tribal, or local law enforcement agencies in enforcing laws that prohibit cybercrimes against individuals, including expenses incurred in performing enforcement operations; educating the public; supporting victim assistants; establishing task forces; and acquiring computers and equipment necessary to conduct investigations and forensic analysis of evidence.
  3. BJA FY24 Intellectual Property Enforcement Program: Protecting Public Health, Safety, and the Economy from Counterfeit Goods and Product Piracy. The Intellectual Property Enforcement Program (IPEP), administered by BJA, is designed to provide national support and improve the capacity of state, local, and tribal criminal justice systems to address I.P. enforcement, including prosecution, prevention, training, and technical assistance. BJA will make awards to support law enforcement agencies in coordinating their I.P. enforcement task forces’ goals, objectives, and activities in close collaboration with the relevant state, local, tribal, and federal agencies, including regional U.S. Attorney’s Offices (USAOs).
  4. BJA FY24 Internet of Things National Training and Technical Assistance Program. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated, internet-connected objects that collect and transfer data over a wireless network without human intervention. The personal or business possibilities are endless, but when applying this to criminal acts, identifying evidence and prosecuting criminal use adds a totally different dimension to the phrase IoT. This program will locate a training and technical assistance (TTA) provider to identify these types of crimes, provide training on how investigations and prosecution should be handled, and how communities can be made aware of their vulnerability to be victims of these types of crimes. A special effort will be made to ensure these trainings are available to all criminal justice agencies, regardless of size or location. This will include prosecutors and judges to inform them of these crimes and how other states, counties, and jurisdictions address IoT crimes and trends.

You can use the filters and keyword search option in the program plan to search through more grants you may want to apply for here.

Applying for grants with Magnet Forensics and tips for a successful application

After filling out a form and providing the team with details about the grant you want assistance applying to, a grant specialist will contact you. The specialist will help you gather all necessary information and materials. You’ll also need to provide a budget outlining how the grant funds will be used and a plan for how your organization will use Magnet Forensics products if the grant funds are obtained. 

Once the grant specialist has helped you prepare your application, they will help guide you through the submission process. The application will be reviewed by a committee and evaluated based on the eligibility criteria and the agency’s need for digital forensics tools and training. Our specialist will help you ensure that all information is accurate and complete before submitting it to increase your chances of being selected.

Tips for a successful application

To maximize your chances of being selected for the grant you apply for, here are some tips and tricks we recommend you keep in mind:

  • Clearly articulate your agency’s need for digital forensics tools and training.
  • Highlight the grant’s impact on your ability to combat crime and protect your community.
  • Provide a detailed budget and plan for sustaining the use of the products and services you intend to obtain with the grant after the grant period ends.

The Magnet Forensics Grant Assistance Program is a valuable opportunity for law enforcement agencies and digital forensics specialists. By understanding the program and what grants are available to you (and when), you can increase your chances of being selected for grant funding and keep up with costly advancements in this ever-evolving field.  We’re here to back you up in overcoming funding hurdles so you can get the tools your team needs. Contact us for grant assistance information today.

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