How to Tell if Your Loved One Needs Memory Care

Watching a senior loved one’s cognitive abilities decline can be disheartening and upsetting. Indeed, a rapid deterioration may convince anyone that their elder requires Alzheimer’s or dementia care support. Yet while the memory problems that 40 percent of Americans over 65 suffer are frightening, only 1 percent of those cases progress to dementia annually. Therefore, seek professional memory care support for help making informed decisions about your aging parent, grandparent, or loved one’s needs and treatment options.

McLean, VA, residents can find appropriate guidance and expertise at Tysons Woods Assisted Living. Our team operates 2 small assisted living facilities that enable residents to live independent lifestyles while receiving comprehensive care. Our caregiving staff includes experienced doctors, trained nurses, physical therapists, and memory care support specialists. To learn more about our caregivers and facilities for seniors, call (703) 846-0395.

What Causes Memory Loss?

Many factors can undermine cognitive health (even beyond significant health conditions), so we must rely on a professional healthcare provider to determine whether or not someone requires dementia or Alzheimer’s care support. That said, potential causes include:

  • Depression and insomnia
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Chronic infections
  • Vitamin B and folic acid deficiencies
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Cerebral vasculitis

Mental impairment can also fluctuate from mild to severe, leaving loved ones unsure whether to seek a cognitive care expert.

Signs an Elder Needs Memory Care Support

Even before visiting a health professional, your loved one may exhibit some telltale signs of chronic memory deterioration. These symptoms go far beyond everyday forgetfulness—such as misplacing keys or a cell phone—and instead involve:

  • Daily Care Regimen Loss
    Seniors who forget essential daily tasks (such as eating regular meals, taking showers, and doing laundry) are probably facing cognitive issues. Indeed, the more pronounced the lapses, the more severe the memory issues.
  • High-Risk Forgetfulness
    After they leave a stovetop burning or an appliance running once, most people learn their lesson and avoid such mistakes in the future. Yet seniors who repeatedly make these mistakes (or wander in public and neglect to contact loved ones) generally require a medical evaluation for memory problems.
  • Passage of Time Issues
    Failing to recall the details of a conversation or event that happened months ago is commonplace. However, patterns of forgetfulness are associated with the natural aging process. Consult a memory care specialist when a loved one regularly forgets recent conversations or events.
  • Withdrawal from Activities
    Memory care support can be critical to seniors’ overall well-being because it may affect daily aspects of their lives. For example, seniors who lose track of time and place often get less joy from hobbies such as gardening, woodworking, and crafting. This loss may cause depression and leave them vulnerable to other ailments.

How Can a Memory Care Support Specialist Help?memory care support McLean VA

A memory care support specialist can deliver critical assistance for a senior’s necessities. For example, a provider may ensure that their patient completes self-care activities for themselves and encourage reasonable independence. Yet a caregiver’s responsibilities may include improving cognitive abilities through physical activity, stress reduction, a healthy diet, and mental stimulation. Memory care support specialists and facilities work diligently to maximize a person’s cognitive potential.

Assisted Living & Memory Care Support McLean, VA

Tysons Woods Assisted Living caregivers approach each resident with empathy, understanding, and open communication. We provide comprehensive memory care support to foster the best quality of life possible. McLean, VA, families can schedule a facility tour and learn more about our staff by calling (703) 846-0395 today!

The post How to Tell if Your Loved One Needs Memory Care first appeared on Tysons Woods Assisted Living.


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